
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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번호 발행권호 제목 조회수
8 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Kang BC, Scheetz JP, Farman AG
Computer-aided proximal caries diagnosis:correlati…   첨부파일  
7 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Kim HK, Heo MS, Lee SS, Choi HB, Choi SC, Park TW
Evaluation of the postoperative maxillary sinus wi…   첨부파일  
6 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Park KS, Heo MS, Lee SS, Choi SC, Park TW, Jeon IS, Kim JD
Radiologic assessment of bone healing after orthog…   첨부파일  
5 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Park YH, Lee SK, Park BH, Son HS, Choi M, Choi KS, An CH
Radiographic evaluation of the zygomatic air cell …   첨부파일  
4 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Shin JW, Choi HM, Heo MS, Lee SS, Choi HB, Choi SC
Reproducibility of lateral cephalometric landmarks…   첨부파일  
3 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Song HU, Choi SY, Koh KJ
correlation between internal derangement and osteo…   첨부파일  
2 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Hwang EH, Lee SR
Central odontogenic fibroma of the simple type   첨부파일  
1 제 32 권 4 호 ( 2002 . 12 ) 저자 : Kim JY, Park GM, Cho BH, Nah KS
Odontogenic myxoma: report of 2 cases   첨부파일  

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