
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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7 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : John B. Ludlow
Dose and risk in dental diagnostic imaging: with e…   첨부파일  
6 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Jeong-Hoon Park, Yong-Suk Choi, Gyu-Tae Kim, Eui-Hwan Hwang, Gi-Ja Lee, Samjin Choi, Hun-Kuk Park
Detection method of proximal caries using line pro…   첨부파일  
5 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Bong-Hae Cho, Yun-Hoa Jung
Prevalence of incidental paranasal sinus opacifica…   첨부파일  
4 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Mi-Ra Han, Byung-Cheol Kang, Jae-Seo Lee, Suk-Ja Yoon, Young-Hee Kim
Reference dose levels for dental periapical radiog…   첨부파일  
3 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Young-Hee Kim, Jae-Seo Lee, Suk-Ja Yoon, Byung-Cheol Kang
Reference dose levels for dental panoramic radiogr…   첨부파일  
2 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Jae-Jung Yu, Jeong-Hoon Park, Ju-Han Kang, Gyu-Tae Kim, Yong-Suk Choi, Eui-Hwan Hwang
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandibular condyle wit…   첨부파일  
1 제 39 권 4 호 ( 2009 . 12 ) 저자 : Jae-Seo Lee, Suk-Ja Yoon, Byung-Cheol Kang
Mandibular canal branches supplying the mandibular…   첨부파일  

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