
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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전치장경에 관한 X-선학적 연구
저자 : 조원표, 안형규
1972년|2권 1호|Page : 53-57|조회수 699
Full Text : 1972_53.pdf (408.3K)
TI : Roentgenologic investigations for the anterior tooth length

 AU : Cho WP; Ahn HK
 AD : Department of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
 SO : The Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Radiology 1972;2(1):53-57
 PY : 1972

 AB : The author measured the length of crown, root and tooth on the films which was taken by intraoral bisecting technic with mesh plate on the films. The films were taken from the dry skulls, dentiform, same patients who had to be removed their upper incisors, and the other patients who admitted for dental care.
 From this serial experiment the results were made as follows:
 1. By using the film and mesh plate in the oral cavity, the real tooth length can be measured easily on the film surfaces.
 2. The film distortion in the oral cavity can be avoided when taking the film using the mesh plate and film together.
 3. When measuring the film, length of crown was elongated and length of root was shortened.
 4. When using the well-trained bisecting technic, the real tooth length can be measured directly on the intraoral film.

회비납부계좌 : 신한은행 100-031-466747 (예금주:대한영상치의학회) 입금 시
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