
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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매복치의 X-선학적 관찰
저자 : 최희섭, 안형규
1972년|2권 1호|Page : 37-39|조회수 826
Full Text : 1972_37.pdf (177.4K)
TI : Roentgenographical observation of impacted teeth

 AU : Choi HS; Ahn HK
 AD : Department of Radiodontics, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
 SO : The Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Radiology 1972;2(1):37-39
 PY : 1972

 AB : The author observed on the impacted teeth of 11 cases from 484 full-mouth roentgenograms of dental students S.N.U. (except 3rd molar) These studies are very significant in oral surgery and orthodontic problems.
 Most of the impacted teeth are located in maxilla and among them 7 cases are impacted central incisors the othrs are la teral incisers, and cuspids.
 The form of impactions are vertical, horizontal and inverted positions.

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