
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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쌍생아의 X-선두개계측학적 연구
저자 : 최희섭, 안형규
1972년|2권 1호|Page : 29-35|조회수 765
Full Text : 1972_29.pdf (365.4K)
TI : Roentgeno-cephalometric analysis on the twin

 AU : Choi HS; Ahn HK
 AD : Department of Radiodontics, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
 SO : The Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Radiology 1972;2(1):29-35
 PY : 1972

 AB : The purpose of this investigation can be sought for studying varients between twin by the cephalometric roentgenog raphic technics. The author have applied Down's, Bjork and Sakamoto's technic and measured in various angulations and length of cephalometric points. The results are as follows;
 1. No significantly different data were found between twin.
 2. There was no differences between normality and twin.

회비납부계좌 : 신한은행 100-031-466747 (예금주:대한영상치의학회) 입금 시
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