
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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한국인 성인의 측모에 관한 연구
저자 : 박태원
1972년|2권 1호|Page : 23-27|조회수 763
Full Text : 1972_23.pdf (276.0K)
TI : Roentgenographic studies of Korean adults profile with normal occlusion

 AU : Park TW
 AD : Department of Radiodontics, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
 SO : The Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Radiology 1972;2(1):23-27
 PY : 1972

 AB : A roentgraphic cephalometric study was made on the soft and hard tissue profile of Korean adults. The subject consisted of 52 males and 54 females from 17 to 22 years of age and with normal occlusion and acceptable profile. Twenty one landmarks were plotted and two oriented lines named SnH line and SnV line were drawn on the tracings of all cephalogram s. The means and the standard deviations from the subjects were calculated in each measuring category and the means were compared with those of male and female samples.
 The results were obtained as follow:
 1. In depth and height, individual variations and sex differences of the lower facial profile were larger than the upper face.
 2. The sex differences of upper facial profile were larger in height than depth.
 3. The individual variations and sex differences of the top of nose were the smallest in all measuring points.
 4. The thickness of the soft tissue of upper face and upper lip in male sample were larger than those of female, but the same matter were not found in mental region.

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