
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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자매의 두개악안면골에 발생된 다골섬유성이형성증의 증례보고
저자 : 김한평, 박창서
1979년|9권 1호|Page : 37-43|조회수 890
Full Text : 1979_37.pdf (532.1K)
TI : 2 case reports of the polyostotic fibrous dysplasia on the cranial and maxillofacial bones of the sisters

 AU : Kim HP; Park CS
 AD : Dept. of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University
 SO : JKAMFR. 1979;9(1):37-43
 ISSN : 1225-049X

 AB : The authors observed 2 cases of fibrous dysplasia on the cranial and maxillofacial bones in 31.28 aged sisters, who had come to the Infirmary of Dental College, Yonsei University. The serial roentgenograms and clinical findings had been taken and the results established as polyostotic fibrous dysplasia according to the findings in their images.
 To author have obtained the results as follows:
 1. Bony expansion of the mandible occurred at 18 years of age and the facial asymmetry appeared due to development of the lesions.
 2. The traumatic history were not noted but weak tendency of familial history noted.
 3. Endocrine disturbances, hyperpigmentation on the skin and premature puberty in the infancy were not noted.
 4. We have concluded these diseases as polyostotic fibrous dysplasia on the cranial and maxillofacial bones with weak familial tendency according to the findings.

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