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X선조사가 골질에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구
저자 : 유동수
1979년|9권 1호|Page : 32-36|조회수 845
Full Text : 1979_32.pdf (422.8K)
TI : Experimental study on the effect of x-irradiation in the rat bone matrix

 AU : You DS
 AD : Dept. of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
 SO : JKAMFR. 1979;9(1):32-36
 ISSN : 1225-049X

 AB : The author studied on the side effects of x-ray irradiation to the developing mandible of the gestation and period of grow the stage rats. For experimental observation, 100 rads, 200 rads, and 300 rads of x-ray were irradiated in regular order at the lower abdomen of the 8th day gestated rats. 5 weeks after conception, their offspring were sacrificed and their mandibles were extracted with intact form. All the extracted mandible were examined for their developing modes histological findings.
 The results were as followed
 1) In 10 -200 rads irradiated rats offsprings, their mandibles were not revealed any morphological changes except of the irregular pattern of trabeculatum. In accompany with this findings, most of all the fibroblasts and osteoclasts had their nucleus with shrunken and eccentric position.
 2) In according to the increasing x-ray irradiation, marked advent of osteoclast and cortical bone resorption were observed.
 3) In 300 rads irradiated rats offsprings, there irregular pattern of trabeculae and widening of bone morrow cavity in their alveolar proper.

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