TI : A roentgenographic study of alveolar bone resorption using measurable grid
AU : Lee MY; Park TW
AD : Department of Oral Dental Roentgenology, Graduate School, Seoul National University.
SO : JKAMFR. 1979;9(1):7-12
ISSN : 1225-049X
AB : The author had performed the measurement of the various teeth regions on 200 cases of Full-mouth roentgenogram taken with the measurable Grid to detect the degree of alveolar bone resorption, aged from 20 to 60 years of Koreas, and to verify the effective result of measurable Grid as a new device which enables the observers to determine the correct length of images on the periapical standard film. The results were obtained as follows.
1. It was found that the degrees of alveolar bone resorption were different in the various teeth regions.
2. As a whole, alveolar bone resorption of anterior teeth regions was more severe than that of posterior teeth regions.
3. Alveolar bone resorption of mandibular region was more severe than that of maxillary region.
4. In sex difference, alveolar bone resorption of male is more severe than that of female, and it was increased with aging.
5. Measurable grid can be used as an adjunct of evaluation of alveolar bone resorption and of calculating the tooth length.