
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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CARS 2023 - Munich
허민석|2023.06.20.|조회수 297
링크 : https://www.cars-int.org/368회 연결
Welcome to CARS 2023 in Munich
The CARS Congress is the annual event for a distinguished international community of scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis.

After a successful hybrid CARS meeting in Tokyo this year, we are encouraged to follow the philosophy of a hybrid meeting also for CARS 2023 with a balanced combination of in-person and virtual presentations and discussions.

Founded in 1983, CARS has played a leading role in medical and imaging informatics for almost 40 years by focusing on research and development on novel algorithms and systems and their applications in radiology and surgery. Its growth and impact is due to CARS’s close collaboration with the IFCARS, ISCAS, CAR, CAD, CMI and IPCAI organizations.

Recent successful CARS congresses have taken place in Barcelona, Berlin, Paris, San Francisco, London, Chicago, Osaka, Geneva, Pisa, Fukuoka, Heidelberg, Rennes, Munich and Tokyo.

We would be delighted to welcome you at CARS 2023, which will take place in Munich, a very attractive central European city, well-known for its contributions in science, engineering, medicine and the arts, with a special touch of "Gemütlichkeit" as an infectious attribute of Bavarian culture. This will be reflected in the overall theme for CARS 2023 which is directed towards “The Digital Operating Room and Model Guided Medicine".

At the CARS congress you will have the opportunity to meet scholars and practising experts in the fields of radiology, surgery, clinical medicine, engineering, informatics and healthcare management who have an interest in topics, such as

advanced medical imaging and biomarkers
image- and model-guided interventions
image processing and visualization
artificial/machine intelligence in radiology and surgery
intelligent operating room of the future
decision and action support in surgical management
computer aided diagnosis
patient-specific modelling
medical simulation and evaluation
surgical navigation and robotics
model-guided and personalised medicine
machine learning
multidisciplinary computational anatomy
integrated patient care
hospital of the future
New IT-systems adapted to clinical environments, such as the operating room, but in particular, new methods and IT-tools for modelling the patient and medical processes as well as artificial/machine intelligence systems are increasingly shaping the scope of CARS. Clinical specialties represented at CARS include:

computer assisted neuro-, ENT-, orthopaedic and spinal surgery, cardiovascular- and thoracic surgery, gastroenterological-, gynaecological- and urological surgery
imaging and interventional radiology
computed maxillofacial imaging
computer assisted radiation therapy
image guided navigation surgery
minimally invasive and robotic surgery
pathology informatics
computer assisted radiology and minimally invasive therapies
In close cooperation with institutions presenting clinical results of novel IT methods and tools in IJCARS, special emphasis will be given in the CARS traditional Clinical Day to innovative clinical investigations that show significant advances in clinical workflows and patient outcomes.

Please note that the deadline for paper and abstract submissions for CARS 2023 in Munich is January 10, 2023. In addition to the abstract/paper submission, you are invited to submit short and informal proposals on tutorials, workshops and other special events which potentially can enhance the mission of CARS which is innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationality.

Heinz U. Lemke, PhD, CARS Organizer

회비납부계좌 : 신한은행 100-031-466747 (예금주:대한영상치의학회) 입금 시
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