
Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


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RSNA 2020
허민석|2020.12.05.|조회수 400
링크 : https://www.rsna.org/en847회 연결
Join us for the 106th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Human Insight/Visionary Medicine, November 29–December 5, 2020. RSNA 2020 will be held as an all-virtual event — this online format allows us to continue to bring forth the best in science, education and the latest technologic advancements to our attendees around the globe. Virtually connect with colleagues, friends and mentors and don’t miss out on RSNA’s first-ever digital exhibition floor, where the latest tech in the industry will be showcased.

회비납부계좌 : 신한은행 100-031-466747 (예금주:대한영상치의학회) 입금 시
성명면허번호를 필히 기재해 주시기 바랍니다.